Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So i got this blog and i have fans of it already, so i figure i need to keep them happy...

It struck me that this week God, has blessed me with many evangelical oppurtunities... while i didn't handle all as well as I could have the oppurtunity to discuss the gospel has been fantastic... so much thanks in that department. I spent the night at one of my best mates house, a guy i've known for the past 5 years but never really shared my faith with him. Though once again the inhibition clearing affects of alcohol prevailed. People in the christian community have many views on whether evangelism with intoxicated people is effective or helpful. I believe it is. I think that alcohol may provide an avenue and an oppurutunity for some people who may be unwilling to talk about it without it. Why not take it... and hey at the end of the day all you can do is share the message it is God who will change hearts. Needless to say it was encouraging to find that he was further down the track than alot of people, in that he believed in God, and ocassionally even reads the bible. Hopefully i shall be able to continue this discussions with him further...

I've also noticed people stand up and take notice as soon as you mention the words "church" and "bible study". The classic "what are you doing tonight?" question seems to be the best weapon in the evangelists toolset. Ended up talking to a bunch of people from highschool today who i just happened to see in maccas about Christianity.... the "bible study" response was followed up with "so you've gone all religious?. I always thought you were against all that shit, like arguing with paul (christian mate, who ironically is now one of my best mates) and that?" So then a short testimony ensued, followed with the classical problems of the two sticking points for any tweenage male... sex and drugs. Tough questions but hopefully seeds of intruige were planted and you never know when God may choose to water them.

Finally i had a great discussion with my mum about what one can no without having scientific proof. My views on this are most people know intrinsically three things exist but can't scientifically prove them. They are relationships, identity and a sense of right and wrong (morals but that seems a more narrow definition). We shunned the morals idea because my mother argued that morals are a product of society... classical uni stuff... i think they are more intrinsic and almost an unwritten code which society exists on... but still sketchy but yeah. However i think the idea of dualism with a seperation of mind (soul) and body is something which most people can percieve as true. We all know we have an "I" a sense of self so to speak, we all know we have an internal voice. I think this sense of subjectivity is transcendent from the matter that it inhabits. My mother and I discussed the possibility of cloning, i think that even if you cloned me you would not get another me. Another me is impossible, for I am me and there will be no other voice like me. Sure yuo may be able to use the same chemical structures and DNA to make another me but taht wouldn't mean that i would be able to see out of that persons eyes or think like they do.... etc.

Relationships are scientifically unprovable in alot of cases. How do i know i'm friends with people? i just do? there is not formula or one thing that makes us know that we are connected in part of the big social web of humanity, we just intrinsically form these connections without really thinking about them. Now i'm tired so i'm not going to do all these concepts justice. However the idea of a God who is an infinite mind who is a relational being who created something like us in his image and relates to in a theistic manner doesn't seem so far fetched when you consider what you already believe without actually scientifically proving it. my mother still wasn't convinced though any conversation about belief, God and christianity is a good one.

On side notes...

Em as most of you know is blonde, and while i only thought this impacted her intelligence, her co-ordination seems to be suffering from this hair of hers as well. While playing on kids play equipment, she enthusiastically made her way up to the top of it, while failing to notice a metal bar place convieniently above her head... This unfortunately lead to a colission which resulted in the loss of braincells and embarresed laughter on her part and humerous laughter on mine. She attemted to cover up the mistake by making comments about how she hadn't noticed it or didn't know it was there. Though i question the logic in claiming you did not observe a stationary object which is static, while being around it for more than 2 minutes.... ahhh well much giggles all round, and she lives to tell the tale, so all is well that ends well.

Bible study may also excommunicate me again... in my deliriously tired state i dragged myself down to Blu a restaurant in hornsby only to unleash on them a whole plethora of dougism. Which was recieved interestingly by them all. Needless to say i got several lovingly rebuking glares across the table from my wonderful bible study leader. However my partners in heatheness did save me. With Gabs and shannon joining in much innapproiatism as well. In fact i was shocked Gabs told me a pickup line that was even more innappropriate than anything in my arsenal, and for those who know me that is quite a challenge. Needless to say it was a jolly time, which ended in picking our next study by using coins. We put them in a bag then made binary choices such as "old teastament or new teastament" until we were left with one kings. This process ended with Gabs our resident heathen and heracy bell ringer asking the coins "was this the lords doing" and obviously the reply was yes. Spooky stuff. I wonder if God was workign through my rubber in year ten when i wrote yes, no and maybe on it? he does work in mysterious ways. That being said i never did end up dating natalie portman, though the rubber clearly stated i would, though i still live in hope.....

Night fans


At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


See, now you use my blonde hair too, even though I did not mention it! He he he.

We are truly blessed to have been hand picked by God, and to be given opportunities to share His love in whatever ways possible. He uses amazing ways and means to get through to people, that's for sure!

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...

It's amazing how God uses people and situations to draw people to him and it is very comforting to remember that he can use even our most disasterous attempts at evangelism. Keep persisting!

True, Em's excuses may be lacking in logic, but is it likely that she'd intentionally slam into a metal bar? I mean, leaving aside the obvious drawbacks to doing that I doubt she'd want to give you such a good opportunity to laugh at her.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Douganator said...

she may have done it intentionally... to make me laugh thereby impressing me. It got a laugh though I'm more impressed by muffins than acts of unco-ordinatedness... *hint hint*

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Aswome stuff! Hang in there buddy!

It's real encouraging that you're so enthusiastic about evangelism. It's a difficult thing.

As for this whole Em being blonde thing...we all knew that...sorry Em, but that hitting your head thing was the last straw...hehe... sounds like you're in trouble.

Oh yeah, by the way Dougie. I like the names in your sidebar...SWEET!

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Muffins made correctly though, not like the failed cakes...

(no Em, I'm not going to let you forget that in a hurry)


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