Monday, October 30, 2006

This is from my econ210 class msg board. I am the token white guy in the class, surrounded by not so fun luving others... This clash of personalities and approaches to uni amused me, so i feel obligated to amuse you with it as well...

heya, could someone plz tell me if dr pundarik finished going thru both topics 5 and 6 in todays lecture? or if he didnt, where did he get up to? thanx ;)
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Message no. 5637
Author: Hee Yoo
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 8:27pm
He finished all the topics in today's lecture. (i.e. Topic 6) =)
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Message no. 5638
Author: Anam Bilgrami
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:23pm
ok thanx :)
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Message no. 5639
Author: Freda Tan
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:46pm
um...i hate to nag but please...the winking...
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Message no. 5641
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:12pm
LOL, are u complaining about winking... thats the lamest thing i've heard all day, economics should be a bright and vibrant subject not the dismal science it has been dubbed. So i shall stick my tongue out :P and wink suggestively at you ;) for prolonged periods of time... STAY CLASSY, my gal
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Message no. 5642
Author: Richard Berky
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:11pm
You have a number 1 after your name. lol.. >_<>_<
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Message no. 5645
Author: Ronald Lau
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:01am
well... Andrew, i'll have to say, its actually not that lame at all economics isnt that bright and vibrant as ppl portray it to be... i mean.. just look at econ201.. macro... could u possibly find a better solution for insomnia also i think winking "suggestively" is even more inappropriate on a PUBLIC discussion board if you want to carry on like this, i dont think the whole 210 course needs to know abt it there is such a thing as a private post... save Freda the embarassment ;)
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Message no. 5647
Author: Anam Bilgrami
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:58pm
This seems to be a recurring issue for you, Freda (Friedman) Tan. You have brought this up in the past too, and it leaves me quite concerned about you. Is there a reason that you are so against winking, whether it is suggestive or not? It is a natural and beautiful form of expression and a great way to EXHIBIT one's emotions. By the way, you BOWL me away ;)
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Message no. 5650
Author: Freda Tan
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:58pm
no im more concerned about you Aman Bilgrami. its just that well convulsive winking the way you seem to be doing in these discussion boards is just as distracting to other ppl's learning as your seizures in lectures about anything remotely funny. as Ronald Lau said, there is such a thing as a private post for such public displays of emotion.
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Message no. 5651
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 6:50pm
freda your make me laugh. You make me smile, i cannot hold back my emotions and wish to display them to you publicly. You and i should take a long walk on a sunset beach and sip pina colada... i'm sorry for being suggestive ;) next time i'll be more direct. Economics might be dismal at times aka micro and all those crazy cats opposing one another over classical, neo-classical and keynsian and all that jazz, but hey who sez economists can be the life of the party :D uber smiling... Also if we ever make it to the corporate world we will have years of emailing where emoticons will be innappropriate, therefore in this casual and free environment for learning lets emote our ways to the top! *dances like he has been electrocuted*... laugh a little, live a litte, and myeah i'm sure u an me freeeds will get along just fine. Who needs private posts anyway, my profound wisdom will be appreciated by all not just our dear friend freda, so HI all and yeah STAY CLASSY!
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Message no. 5652
Author: Ronald Lau
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:55pm
well... what can i say... Freda, it seems u have a fan...who wants to, quote "take a long walk on a sunset beach" with you.. and also... he cannot seem to hold back his emotions and wants to display them to you publicly... wow... i mean.. so much for discretion... but.. on a more serious note... how bout i propose this... next monday, Andrew you can propose whateva you like during the lecture in front of everyone, and i'll make sure Freda is there to hear it. i'm sure pundarik is understanding enough... and will let a desperate man express his feelings to a um... "dear friend" ;) ....(heres my suggestive wink)
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Message no. 5654
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Monday, October 30, 2006 11:40am
desperate? ... I may be in touch with my emotions, i may be guilty of wishing to give women amazing experiences.. alas i may even be guilty of being able to see the romance in economics... but alas desperation is not a quality that can be attributed to me.... Alas if anything the classic economic problem of limited resources and unlimited demands placed on me by the opposite seems to be my problem. I like every other resource are subject to scarcity... Also i appreciate that you just want to free ride off the positive externality that would be created if i did propose my "undying love" towards our mutual friend freda, i'm sure our lecturer would probably enjoy the display as well... so that being said unless you subsidies me so that the social marginal benifit equates to the marginal cost, i shall have to conduct my dealings with our friend in a private environment :)


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Has tears in eyes* Oh my. Dougie, you're a hoot! Only you dear Doug would dare post such things on a uni discussion page!...:P

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Eh? said...

LOL you need in you need more people like you in your course...seriously...

I really do pity those nerdy asians who don't get it at all...I pity you for being in contact with them harsh as it sounds :P

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...


I pity your poor poor classmates who aren't used to (or desensitised hehe) your Dougishness!

How will the world cope with you when you finish uni and enter the workforce?

*still giggling* Ah, too funny.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a random conversation!

Oh, I feel sorry for people who don't have fun at uni.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Yeah, we forget that not everyone has the experience of uni that we do. How sad for them, how much they miss out on. (pen fights, muffins, Insomnia... et al)

Mind you they might get a bit more work done than we do at times... :-P
(and as the token arts(ish) student here I am most definitely included in this hehe)

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ah dear, Doug! He he he.


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