Monday, November 06, 2006

kate the 8ball

Kate's (uni friend) new nickname i have decided should be 8ball. I don't know if you guys have ever seen that toy which is an 8ball which you shake and it gives you answers, like "no", "ask again later" "it is certain" "don't count on it" and other phrases.. well Kate reminded me of one of those today.

As you may know Kate has incredibly expressive eyes, and manages to communicate alot through them. those eyes are like the 8ball she shakes her head the eyes move and viola! The answer to your question pops up. I tend to get the full range of eye expressions as i enjoy shaking her (metaphorically) and seeing what answer I will get. Most of the time it seems to be "don't even think about it" particularly when i'm serenading her with, "don't wanna beee alllll byyyyy mmyyyseeelllfffff" a classic which she of course is addicted to. Anyway from this day forth the 8balls will prevail, give her a shake and her eyes will not lie, they can tell you exactly what the future scary

In other news: Chris Hayter managed to create three sentences using only four words. Either he is a literary genius for reinventing the use of full stops or he needs to revisit kindy... Still he got a D in the paper so bravo... He read me the statement and let me tell you the impact was comparable to a meteor the size of zimbabwe hitting sydney....

A note to all my presence on MSN is being severely limited due to lack of uni work. If you feel like your suffocating without my soothing presence i'm only a phone call away... well i soon will be as my neighbor hasn't given me her phone yet after missplacing mine at a parttayyy... quite clearly i was have a little to much fun to remember minor details like the location of my audio communicative wave modulating demodulating device

P.S try making electronic devices sounding ten times more geeky than they are, you may just like it ;)


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Just because I couldn't not do it now... *rolls eyes*!!

But you forgot to add that it probably took Chris about a month to write those three sentences.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Douganator said...

heheh i thought i'd take away the oppurtunity to quote me haha! Besides the concept of you, 8ball, is boarder than just a mere quote :)

stay classy

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Ascasewwen said...

Granted, it's beyond a mere quote but I can never be deprived of the opportunity to quote someone. Particularly when they so conveniently save me the effort and I can just link to their explanation... *chuckles*

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol! She does have expressive eyes, admittedly, but 8ball MAY be taking it a little far, dearie! He he he.

What four words did Chris use?

Well done for the limiting of MSN. I was not on at all last night either due to Kate's presence - we kept each other accountable very nicely and were in bed before 1! Most amazing! :-) Yay for the H.o.S.!

At 4:38 PM, Blogger rainweb said...

run now kate. run fast.
Why is there no link to me on your page sir?
not that anyone doesnt know my url, esp when i comment, but i want a summary comment!!!
tom got one!!!!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Douganator said...

Alison you have been hooked up like a fox! feel special i know i certainly do!

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

HAHAHA!... I missed some of the fun on Monday!

Ahhh, I'm gonna miss you guys in the holidays!

You'd better all be coming to NTE!!!... *gives evil stare*...

At 9:31 PM, Blogger rainweb said...

manda, do you even HAVE an evil stare???

At 9:41 PM, Blogger rainweb said...

hey doug, the link to tom is in fact another link to amanda.
....i think tom would prefer it was a link to him.
but then, you should ask him about that.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

really?... lol! Another link to me hey Doug... ;)

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Douganator said...

a lot to much fun :P and whose fault was that missy :P


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