Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Xavier rudd's song "the message" makes me proud to be Australian, want to pack up my city life and go live in the bush, eating "tucka" and sleeping in a "swag". preferably somewhere in the kimberies in northern territory. It also makes me want to go fight for the environment. Gotta love this sunburnt country of ours, and what better way to express it than with a guitar and some heartfelt lyrics.

Also an invention has been created which outclasses even my novelty belt... THE AIR GUITAR T-SHIRT :O!!! i know, i am as stunned as you are.... will I get one, who knows? but the concept is just 2 damn cool.... For the not so cool though this geeky document shows yah how it works.... mmmmm acedemic journals...http://www.tml.tkk.fi/~tmakipat/pubs/paper117.pdf seem to spend my life reading these bitches, ahhh well this one is more interesting than the last article i read on "augmented phillips curves and inflation conflict models" *vomits a pile of bile in a nearby corner and looks quezy (just from repeating the title again)* try reading one of the damn things..... ARGGHHH.

I bought more bike shorts today, they look super sexy, as they wrap around my thighs, i am just a dream to look at in them. Actually i've never felt more homosexual in my life, but i'm comfortable enough with my sexuality not to really care... *at least, i thought i was heheh*.... I am quite tempted to post an animation my friend send me of a nude man jumping around with a sign that you can type a msg in (i know your out there mel :P) such as "hey big boy" or "i am gay"... unfortunately some of my more conservative readers may be pushed over the edge, especially after tempting references to myself in lycra. And seeing as i am hear to serve and wish to retain my loyal readership, i alas refrain.

As one can see the 4th day of solid studying without human contact has pushed me further into my own little world. So far so that i am starting to actually see the world totally as an economist, as a collection of variables that all share relationships with one another, you change one and everything gets messy. I've even managed to come up with an economic model in my head for the phenomenon of 4 little words no1 likes to hear "lets just be friends" based on the aggregate supply and demand model, using floating interest rates (interest, you get it HAH *bows head at own geekiness, but revels in his superior knowledge, HAH*) and a new Keynsian model for aggregate supply. I'll write it up when exams finish, and you guys can test them out "dolly" magazine style on all your "cute crushes of the month". The model comes complete with exogenous (variables coming from outside the model) shocks and how to do them to get you back in the zone, wooot! Yes i'm going slightly mad, and soon i shall be on my bicycle so that should hopefully give me some endorphins to make me sane again.

I Miss people in general, lifes quite empty when books are your only friend, but these periods are a necessity at times. I would very much like a tea party with all of my friends, and some scones, that would make me happy indeed, but tiz not to be for now.... Actually a few beers, a pizza, and a couple of mates would probably do the trick... *did someone say a man day!*...(girls you can be honarary men if you so choose, but you get all the advantages and disadvantages (are there any) that come with it.


At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were appalled at your rejection of a refined lifestyle in favour of 'going bush', however the later expression of a desire for scones abated Our displeasure, as did your support of Our loyal subject Keynes. While Our Royal Personage is most fond of this little island colony it is but a speck in Our Grand British Empire.

We find your study induced madness most amusing and can relate, as the above comment proves that study has quite clearly unhinged Our Royal Personage despite claims that We have been unhinged since the death of Our dear Albert 145 years ago.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! oh dear! I don't know who's funnier, you or Her Highness! :-)

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a day of men sounds just peachy to me... hehehe.

i am honoured to be mentioned in such an esteemed blog... even if it is in regard to an unattractive naked man with bad taste in shoes. haha.

Missy Pea


At 10:42 PM, Blogger rainweb said...

i dont want to be a man, honorary or otherwise!!!!!!
please can i be a girl?!!!!!!!!


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