Monday, October 30, 2006

Social ne1?

I'm just putting this out there as idea for my next party/social/church event, i think that there is nothing more bonding than strapping on a silly suit and jumping off a cliff like these cats.. lets do it!

This is from my econ210 class msg board. I am the token white guy in the class, surrounded by not so fun luving others... This clash of personalities and approaches to uni amused me, so i feel obligated to amuse you with it as well...

heya, could someone plz tell me if dr pundarik finished going thru both topics 5 and 6 in todays lecture? or if he didnt, where did he get up to? thanx ;)
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Message no. 5637
Author: Hee Yoo
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 8:27pm
He finished all the topics in today's lecture. (i.e. Topic 6) =)
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Message no. 5638
Author: Anam Bilgrami
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:23pm
ok thanx :)
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Message no. 5639
Author: Freda Tan
Date: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:46pm
um...i hate to nag but please...the winking...
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Message no. 5641
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:12pm
LOL, are u complaining about winking... thats the lamest thing i've heard all day, economics should be a bright and vibrant subject not the dismal science it has been dubbed. So i shall stick my tongue out :P and wink suggestively at you ;) for prolonged periods of time... STAY CLASSY, my gal
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Message no. 5642
Author: Richard Berky
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:11pm
You have a number 1 after your name. lol.. >_<>_<
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Message no. 5645
Author: Ronald Lau
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:01am
well... Andrew, i'll have to say, its actually not that lame at all economics isnt that bright and vibrant as ppl portray it to be... i mean.. just look at econ201.. macro... could u possibly find a better solution for insomnia also i think winking "suggestively" is even more inappropriate on a PUBLIC discussion board if you want to carry on like this, i dont think the whole 210 course needs to know abt it there is such a thing as a private post... save Freda the embarassment ;)
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Message no. 5647
Author: Anam Bilgrami
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:58pm
This seems to be a recurring issue for you, Freda (Friedman) Tan. You have brought this up in the past too, and it leaves me quite concerned about you. Is there a reason that you are so against winking, whether it is suggestive or not? It is a natural and beautiful form of expression and a great way to EXHIBIT one's emotions. By the way, you BOWL me away ;)
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Message no. 5650
Author: Freda Tan
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:58pm
no im more concerned about you Aman Bilgrami. its just that well convulsive winking the way you seem to be doing in these discussion boards is just as distracting to other ppl's learning as your seizures in lectures about anything remotely funny. as Ronald Lau said, there is such a thing as a private post for such public displays of emotion.
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Message no. 5651
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 6:50pm
freda your make me laugh. You make me smile, i cannot hold back my emotions and wish to display them to you publicly. You and i should take a long walk on a sunset beach and sip pina colada... i'm sorry for being suggestive ;) next time i'll be more direct. Economics might be dismal at times aka micro and all those crazy cats opposing one another over classical, neo-classical and keynsian and all that jazz, but hey who sez economists can be the life of the party :D uber smiling... Also if we ever make it to the corporate world we will have years of emailing where emoticons will be innappropriate, therefore in this casual and free environment for learning lets emote our ways to the top! *dances like he has been electrocuted*... laugh a little, live a litte, and myeah i'm sure u an me freeeds will get along just fine. Who needs private posts anyway, my profound wisdom will be appreciated by all not just our dear friend freda, so HI all and yeah STAY CLASSY!
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Message no. 5652
Author: Ronald Lau
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:55pm
well... what can i say... Freda, it seems u have a fan...who wants to, quote "take a long walk on a sunset beach" with you.. and also... he cannot seem to hold back his emotions and wants to display them to you publicly... wow... i mean.. so much for discretion... but.. on a more serious note... how bout i propose this... next monday, Andrew you can propose whateva you like during the lecture in front of everyone, and i'll make sure Freda is there to hear it. i'm sure pundarik is understanding enough... and will let a desperate man express his feelings to a um... "dear friend" ;) ....(heres my suggestive wink)
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Message no. 5654
Author: Andrew Douglas 1
Date: Monday, October 30, 2006 11:40am
desperate? ... I may be in touch with my emotions, i may be guilty of wishing to give women amazing experiences.. alas i may even be guilty of being able to see the romance in economics... but alas desperation is not a quality that can be attributed to me.... Alas if anything the classic economic problem of limited resources and unlimited demands placed on me by the opposite seems to be my problem. I like every other resource are subject to scarcity... Also i appreciate that you just want to free ride off the positive externality that would be created if i did propose my "undying love" towards our mutual friend freda, i'm sure our lecturer would probably enjoy the display as well... so that being said unless you subsidies me so that the social marginal benifit equates to the marginal cost, i shall have to conduct my dealings with our friend in a private environment :)

in response to em's quote of me, which was intended to make you giggle at the absurdity of me wanting a unicycle over a digital camera, this video will show you why a unicycle is in fact far more useful than a digital cam... stay classy, party people

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So i got this blog and i have fans of it already, so i figure i need to keep them happy...

It struck me that this week God, has blessed me with many evangelical oppurtunities... while i didn't handle all as well as I could have the oppurtunity to discuss the gospel has been fantastic... so much thanks in that department. I spent the night at one of my best mates house, a guy i've known for the past 5 years but never really shared my faith with him. Though once again the inhibition clearing affects of alcohol prevailed. People in the christian community have many views on whether evangelism with intoxicated people is effective or helpful. I believe it is. I think that alcohol may provide an avenue and an oppurutunity for some people who may be unwilling to talk about it without it. Why not take it... and hey at the end of the day all you can do is share the message it is God who will change hearts. Needless to say it was encouraging to find that he was further down the track than alot of people, in that he believed in God, and ocassionally even reads the bible. Hopefully i shall be able to continue this discussions with him further...

I've also noticed people stand up and take notice as soon as you mention the words "church" and "bible study". The classic "what are you doing tonight?" question seems to be the best weapon in the evangelists toolset. Ended up talking to a bunch of people from highschool today who i just happened to see in maccas about Christianity.... the "bible study" response was followed up with "so you've gone all religious?. I always thought you were against all that shit, like arguing with paul (christian mate, who ironically is now one of my best mates) and that?" So then a short testimony ensued, followed with the classical problems of the two sticking points for any tweenage male... sex and drugs. Tough questions but hopefully seeds of intruige were planted and you never know when God may choose to water them.

Finally i had a great discussion with my mum about what one can no without having scientific proof. My views on this are most people know intrinsically three things exist but can't scientifically prove them. They are relationships, identity and a sense of right and wrong (morals but that seems a more narrow definition). We shunned the morals idea because my mother argued that morals are a product of society... classical uni stuff... i think they are more intrinsic and almost an unwritten code which society exists on... but still sketchy but yeah. However i think the idea of dualism with a seperation of mind (soul) and body is something which most people can percieve as true. We all know we have an "I" a sense of self so to speak, we all know we have an internal voice. I think this sense of subjectivity is transcendent from the matter that it inhabits. My mother and I discussed the possibility of cloning, i think that even if you cloned me you would not get another me. Another me is impossible, for I am me and there will be no other voice like me. Sure yuo may be able to use the same chemical structures and DNA to make another me but taht wouldn't mean that i would be able to see out of that persons eyes or think like they do.... etc.

Relationships are scientifically unprovable in alot of cases. How do i know i'm friends with people? i just do? there is not formula or one thing that makes us know that we are connected in part of the big social web of humanity, we just intrinsically form these connections without really thinking about them. Now i'm tired so i'm not going to do all these concepts justice. However the idea of a God who is an infinite mind who is a relational being who created something like us in his image and relates to in a theistic manner doesn't seem so far fetched when you consider what you already believe without actually scientifically proving it. my mother still wasn't convinced though any conversation about belief, God and christianity is a good one.

On side notes...

Em as most of you know is blonde, and while i only thought this impacted her intelligence, her co-ordination seems to be suffering from this hair of hers as well. While playing on kids play equipment, she enthusiastically made her way up to the top of it, while failing to notice a metal bar place convieniently above her head... This unfortunately lead to a colission which resulted in the loss of braincells and embarresed laughter on her part and humerous laughter on mine. She attemted to cover up the mistake by making comments about how she hadn't noticed it or didn't know it was there. Though i question the logic in claiming you did not observe a stationary object which is static, while being around it for more than 2 minutes.... ahhh well much giggles all round, and she lives to tell the tale, so all is well that ends well.

Bible study may also excommunicate me again... in my deliriously tired state i dragged myself down to Blu a restaurant in hornsby only to unleash on them a whole plethora of dougism. Which was recieved interestingly by them all. Needless to say i got several lovingly rebuking glares across the table from my wonderful bible study leader. However my partners in heatheness did save me. With Gabs and shannon joining in much innapproiatism as well. In fact i was shocked Gabs told me a pickup line that was even more innappropriate than anything in my arsenal, and for those who know me that is quite a challenge. Needless to say it was a jolly time, which ended in picking our next study by using coins. We put them in a bag then made binary choices such as "old teastament or new teastament" until we were left with one kings. This process ended with Gabs our resident heathen and heracy bell ringer asking the coins "was this the lords doing" and obviously the reply was yes. Spooky stuff. I wonder if God was workign through my rubber in year ten when i wrote yes, no and maybe on it? he does work in mysterious ways. That being said i never did end up dating natalie portman, though the rubber clearly stated i would, though i still live in hope.....

Night fans

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 for critiqueing

Well... i sorta start from the ground up... I've been obsessed with knowing as much as i can about what reality is for the last 3 years...

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There is so much going on i guess, its hard not to feel overwhelmed, but i guess I've had to make assumptions and create a framework from which to base how i percieve life

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On the whole i've found most people can't be fucked taking the first step, and when you ask them an opinion or dig into their belief system they shut down

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they would rather hide behind illusions, such as what they do at uni, who their boyfriend or girlfriend is... rather than actually share who they are...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Why make assumptions? I know they do, they're afraid to face the obvious - that they lack any solid proof for what, if anything they believe. Their whole lifes are designed to be one big distraction from the everloaming questions which provoke the most terrible of answers they're too afraid to face.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Who they really are? Maybe they're no one...Soulless are everywhere, souls aren't something we're born with, they're something we develop from curious natures, from searching and learning about the world and ourselves

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See what fascinates me is i find empathy for your quest for truth and nature, but you seem to have a closed mindset from the fact that you see anything that cannot be empirically proven as not being a part of reality

~Gothic Plague~ says:
That's because I keep my eyes focused on 'the real world' . . . lest all that is reality accuses me of dualism.

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but what is the real world?
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I mean how can you ever really prove anything>???

~Gothic Plague~ says:
What we can feel, touch, hear, smell, and see is the real world.
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so you base everything off sensory perception

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though can you truly trust your sensory percpetion 100%???

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Prove to who? . . . Trusting my sensoys perception is something of a non-issuse to me, because it's all I have, it's all any of us have, I'm not so close minded as to realise that as flawed beings we can never be certain of the validity of any of our perceptions of reasonings . . . but it's irrelevent, what we see before us, is all we're ever going to see - as far as any of can see.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
I base everything off my sensors and my thoughts - because in reality, that is all I really have.
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But if everything else is doubtful, why go about trying to dismantle peoples beliefs

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maybe they are true... sure they may not be proven by sensory perception, but is it worth erradicating beliefs such as christianity, because at the end of the day, you can't disprove it either...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Because what i'm saying can be prooven emperically - and to exist within, and make sense according to what we see in reality, where as their beliefs are full of assumption, unprovable guess-work, blatant lies which they refuse to correct...their beliefs at no point come into contact with reality as we human beings see it. They don't 'see' the things they profess to believe . . .
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Their beliefs exist solely in their heads - as dreams and imagingings which have long since been disprooven by those more intelligent and courageous then them, by people who stood by the truth, and didn't retreat into comforting delusion - their beliefs have been disprooven countless times, but they blinded themselves, they ignored and didn't listen, they hang people for speaking the truth.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Worth eradicting beliefs such as Christianity? Yes! And at the end of the day I most certainly can disproove the bulk of Christian belief systems, if by nothing else, internal inconsistancies. That's if anyone is willing to be rational and not dodge what i'm saying . . . Sad to say, too many Christians when sensing they'll be prooven wrong about something - change the subject.

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I will try not to change the subject... though alot of christian arguements admittedly do not make sense unless certain basic elements are taken as true, which do not rely on empirical evidence
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however i believe some of those elements can be derived from looking at reality and what has being proven empirically and then coming to rational conclusions
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such as the existence of a God, or at least a transcendent force maintaining or fine tuning the systems we exist in

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Or mistaking cause for affect...If I said that my cat created the universe, and the universe exists, therefore that universe's existance prooves my cat created it...that's the same line of unreason that Christians often use when citing existance itself as proof...
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Ignoring the fact that I don't even have a cat, or by the same vein, they don't even have a God apart from words on a page

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hmmm, well its what the words represent, if those ideas are true to what has happened and what is reality then God exists, otherwise then yes they are merely words on a page that have delluded a billion or so people

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Yet words are only as real as the meanings we attach to them.
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that being said, not, changing the topic, but moving away from a christian God, would you concede the possibility of a transendent being which cannot be empirically proven, but still exists not the less...
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Yeah, that's possible, of course. Just because I haven't seen one, doesn't mean one mighten be floating about somewhere.

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How do you come to terms with existence itself, that everything is so reliant on each other in such a finely tuned balance
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like the earth needs to turn at a certain speed, all parts of the body are vitally important for survival
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gravity needs to be finetuned to a ridiculous level or life wouldn't exist the way it does
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distance from the sun, laws of physics
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heaps of things
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all just random?

~Gothic Plague~ says:
*eats crackers* . . . I try not to worry about things like that, they're outside of my power to affect and so somewhat irrelevent. I'm more worried about coming to terms with the difficult tasks ahead of me.

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which are...
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though i still think that they are worth thinking about
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like for me it just seems more rational to go all this stuff is so finely tuned there is no way it could all come toghether without something controlling it.. and there i find God..

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Seems like an assumption to me, seeing 'creative design' in a world which is quite random and indifferent yet still held by cause and affect.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Those things are more the realm of material sciences, which don't appeal to me that much.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Honesty, if someone is controlling the universe, he's doing a chaotic job of it, especially when it comes to things done here on earth. Really, people find what they want to find, coming to whatever conclusion sounds most reasuring, and that feeling of reassurance, in this case, in the 'strength' of a God who's 'controlling' the universe makes it seem not so well, scary..

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but some explanation of all these random conincidences coming toghether to form existence needs to be accounted for

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Why does it?

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well i think the soul yearns to discover why it all holds toghether... what allow things to be the way they are

~Gothic Plague~ says:
So it needs for a sense of satisfaction? But, that's needing for a desire...For comfort...That IS a search for comfort, and the search for comfort is not a search for truth, it's a search for 'comforting' truths.

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hmmm i think it is a search for truth
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its a knowledge that there is to many things that hold toghether perfectly to form reality without coincidence...
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maybe its not God, but its something...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Maybe it's Satan.

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Perhaps, the nature of satan would be to decieve the individual
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much like the matrix, the machines put people into a world in which they will be perfectly delluded
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yet it is for their own selfish search for more power and world dominance that they do so

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Selfish, as aposed to what?

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actually thats just their nature i guess
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they can't really be selfish because they are machines... but thats beside the point... i still think its God, you can disagree, but you can't disprove it either... i also think that there is enough empirical evidence to support my case, though i admit that it could be interpreted in different ways that lead to entirely different conclusions
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so i guess i could never expect anyone to believe what i do
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i just enjoy hearing how other people percieve them, the more diverse from my opinion usually the better...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
People are perfectly deluded, they have to be, to retain their sanity, because the moment they become aware enough to realise they're going to die - the horror of that realisation 'forces' them to invent fantasies in order to soove them to prevent a total mental break-down.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
I can disproove it.

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~Gothic Plague~ says:
Do you believe that any of the Greek God's exist? That the tales of Zeus and company were factual?

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nope i don't believe them...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Why not?

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because, (and i know your gonna slam this arguement, because you could perhaps accuse christianity of the same thing) zeus and company seems like a product of the times
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i agree, people cling to flawed belief systems such as polytheism and mythology in order to quell their ignorance
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and they do fabricate realities for themselves to include things which are not their in order to go through life more comfortably
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wasn't it like mao or somthing who said "religion is the opiate of the masses"???

~Gothic Plague~ says:
I'm not sure who, but yes, the religious aspects of it, the art, and dogma, the cermony are all emotional satisfiers, so few actually examine the belief systems or the philosophy of the religions they profess to agree with and follow - what they're really following is the fear and strength tango that's dished out by the preachers

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~Gothic Plague~ says:
Are you saying that the Bible itself wasn't a product of the times, that it wasn't written by men, just as all those other 'holy' books and stories of gods were?
~Gothic Plague~ says:
And don't people cling to flawed people systems like Christianity to 'quell' their ignorance? Doing the exact same thing as those other religions... is there a difference?
~Gothic Plague~ says:
*belief systems >.>
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Well faith i guess is the difference...
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Are you saying all those other religion's beliefs in other gods aren't taken on faith aswell?

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I'm saying on a personal level its faith
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all of them point to a God...

~Gothic Plague~ says:
If you take a trip into an insane asylum, you'll quickly realise that faith on any level is proof of nothing. I'm sure all of the Greek's personal faith for what they were ignorant about in life pointed to Zeus aswell.

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every single belief system in the world, whether written down or personal has an element of faith

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Yes... But what about systems of knowledge and facts? They have elements of rationality, and reason, and sanity.
~Gothic Plague~ says:
They have methods of discovering the truth which can be prooven to exist and make sense in the world we live in
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they still rely on faith though and assumptions
~Gothic Plague~ says:
What's 'faith'?

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even if that is as simple as beileving that the laws of physics will be the same tomorrow as they are today
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or that the sun will rise...
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though granted, we can only interpet whats given to us through our senses and make a framework of knowledge which appears to fit in with our experience and hold it as true until proven otherwise

~Gothic Plague~ says:
Well, according to the Bible: 'faith is a belief in things unseen' . . . so those systems of knowledge and facts don't require it, and rarely have it, we don't need faith for what we can see.

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we need faith in our senses though
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we need to believe that wat we are seeing is actually there

~Gothic Plague~ says:
I don't agree with that, I think that's a very limited way of looking at things, saying we need 'faith' and 'believe' for everything, as some way to justify and re-affirm that 'faith' is the difference between your religion and other religions... but what was the real difference.. *sigh*
~Gothic Plague~ says:
This is no difference, once you understand why you yourself don't believe in Zeus, you'll know why I don't believe in your God
~Gothic Plague~ says:
Once you understand the meanings of faith, belief, knowledge, facts, truth, and lies, and all those words imply, and what they mean to us as rational beings who exist in reality..

Don't say in a sentence what u can say in a word, don't say in a word what u can in a , don't say in a what u can in a says:
I do understand... though perhaps they mean different things to me than they do to you

~Gothic Plague~ says:
I don't need to believe anything, and I don't take anything on faith... I doubt all things, doubt leads to questions - the only way to find answers

Don't say in a sentence what u can say in a word, don't say in a word what u can in a , don't say in a what u can in a says:
but alot of the times there are not answers to be found

~Gothic Plague~ says:
That will not stop me from trying to find them.